Completing the KNMB Grant Application
- Each organization can apply for a KNMB grant once per grant cycle.
- Any and All publicity relating to this grant shall clearly state that this project was partially funded by Keep New Mexico Beautiful, Inc.
- If grant funds provide for permanent items such as trash/recycling bins or planters, the KNMB logo may be displayed.
- A copy of the KNMB logo is available upon request.
- ALL sections of the grant application forms must be completed.
- Please include “BEFORE PICTURES”, landscape plans, diagrams, and other information necessary to fully describe the nature and scope of the proposed project.
- Additional pages may be attached to the application.
- Ceremonies and celebrations are highly encouraged to showcase and publicized grant projects, especially for Keep New Mexico Beautiful Month and Arbor Day grants.
- Your grant project may fall under any one or a combination fo multiple KNMBgrant award categories to include:
- Arbor Day
- Education
- Native Plant & Landscaping
- Solid Waste, Litter Control & Recycling
- KNMB Month
- If you are chosen to be a grant recipient, you may also be eligible to receive a recognition award from KNMB for your achievement.
- Please put the 4th Saturday of October on your calendar so you can attend our Annual Recognition Awards Luncheon as our guest and to receive your special award.
• We are proud to announce that we are reducing the paper requirement by allowing online submissions.
- However, we will no longer accept FAXed applications.